Why should I do Pilates during pregnancy? 

Exercise is an fundamental component in supporting a healthy pregnancy. It is important to understand that exercise will look different during pregnancy. It is not a time to push and reach new fitness goals, rather the focus should be on functional movements and supporting the pregnant body (that is changing) and prepare for labour.

Is abdominal work safe during pregnancy? 

You may be wondering if abdominal work is suitable during pregnancy during pregnancy. Maintaining a strong core during pregnancy is vital but exercises that put direct pressure on the abdominals must be avoided. The main focus is on transversus abdominals, the deep core muscles that  a woman to deliver their child, to stabilize the pelvis and lower back. Pregnancy Pilates is an ideal way to stay healthy and fit during pregnancy. Pregnancy Pilates focuses on functional movements, improving posture in a way that is safe and designed for a pregnant woman. Pregnancy Pilates focuses on strengthening postural muscles and also teaches you how to relax which will be helpful during the pregnancy, labour and postnatally.

What are the benefits of Pilates during pregnancy?

There are many benefits to pregnancy Pilates. The main benefits are increased wellbeing, improved posture and muscle strength to support postural changes / demands during pregnancy and with a baby.

Focus is on the breathing even more to provide relaxation and to balance the pregnant body. Improved awareness of the breathing enables you to release tension, control the movement and increase your lung capacity.

Education about the pelvic floor can help you prepare for a birth and recover postnatally. Pelvic floor muscles are important as they directly contribute to postural function but also to respiratory functions. The importance of learning to release the pelvic floor will be important especially for women entering into the third trimester as a preparation for birth! Strong pelvic floor muscles are also important during pregnancy because there is extra pressure on pelvic floor muscles as the uterus becomes heavier and the baby uses the pelvic floor to bounce. In summary, it is important to know how to engage the pelvic floor muscles for optimal support and strength but also be able to relax the pelvic floor for the birth and breathing.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy

Women go through major hormonal changes during pregnancy. The hormonal changes are invaluable during pregnancy as they prepare the body to carry the baby for 9 months, but also as a preparation for labour and motherhood.

Increase in progesterone and oestrogen levels impacts on mood and emotions. They also soften the muscles and play a key role in supporting the baby’s growth. Relaxin ( a hormone)makes the ligament more elastic making the joints less stable. Some women suffers from joint problems during pregnancy for this reason and sacroiliac joint problems are common. Loss of stability in pelvis can cause sacroiliac and pubic joint problems during pregnancy. Therefore Pilates is ideal during pregnancy as it improves proper alignment and muscle recruitment, strengthening the deep core muscles that stabilizes the pelvis and the trunk.

Functional movements

While classical Pilates is floor based, pregnancy Pilates includes more standing work to enable the women to use what they have learned in a class to their day to day life. Pregnancy Pilates teaches safe transitions from different positions and also how to sit,  lift and carry well.

During the pregnancy the women’s body faces many changes. Postural changes alongside increased body weight and looser joints puts more strain to the body and day to day activities and movements become more challenging (towards the end of the pregnancy especially). Therefore exercises that can improve posture and remove tightness will help the woman to perform functional movements and day to day movements with greater ease and support. 




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